Lizzie Loch - To The Parts That Hurt

To the parts that hurt

I see you
I love you
I'm sorry for whoever hurt you
I'm sorry for the pain
I'm sorry for the inequality
I'm sorry. I know it hurts
I acknowledge you
I know you have been doing your best to protect yourself
I see that
I know you don't always know the best way forward
I know
And I'm sorry
I know there is a better way too
I honor your rage, anger, and upset. It is totally valid

You see, there are parts of creation that have been truly hurt
Certain choices were made and Separation was a Created construct
When the truth is, separation is an illusion
It is simply Not true
I don't care what race, gender, Or sexual identification you are
Because I know on Some level you are a fractal of me
And we are all a part of the same thing

So why do we keep destroying ourselves, I ask

The truth is, there are parts of us that have forgotten
There are those parts that really believe they are separate
There are parts that do not see beyond external identifications and into a Greater whole
There are the parts that feel alone and hurt and scared

To those parts, I say I love you
I honor your journey
And we don't have to live this way

We can rise together, hand in hand

But in order to do so, we must begin to see
To see beyond the mind and to truly see the Interconnectedness of us all

And in that to honor ourselves so deeply, that the
ONLY steps we collectively take are the ones serving for the greater all
That is it

When we can all see together. And truly see the mirror through the iris of another
And not only see it but know it and remember it down to our very core

From this place, we shall have conversations about restructuring
From this place we will quantum leap into higher collective realities


May we compassionately mirror back this truth to all we come in contact with
As the constellation of humanity and the greater all heals itself

I believe in us. In the big I that is us all
I believe in you
Together we can
I love you
It is true
I know many films and stories have had the narrative of the victim and the hero

If you have been a victim, which
I believe we all have at some point, it is likely that you have desired a hero
I certainly have at points in my life

That has been a collective narrative
One that we are currently reweaving, right now
So what do you need before anything else
You need to make a choice
To move forward, it starts with the internal and external choices that you make

Now, in this choice, I will say this
You don't have to know exactly what you are choosing to know exactly what to choose

In fact, you may even limit yourself by choosing something so exact which may
Or may not be aligned to your highest
So what to choose
Ultimately, that is up to you

What you can choose is to live true to your highest alignment
True to your soul and the highest/purest reason why
You chose to be a human at this time

What may happen when you make this choice

A dismantling of constructs that are no longer serving you
Feeling emotions that you have suppressed for many years
Old friends and things phasing out to create more space for what is actually true
Deep letting go of all that is not serving you

It can feel like a lot in the beginning
But what also happens when you make this choice

Greater access to your intuition that will support you for the rest of your life
(More than any 401k ever could)
Deeply soulful and connected relationships
A felt sense of beauty and divinity in all things
A life full of synchronicity
A deep surrendering into a journey that you know
Is far greater than your human mind can currently conceive

As you make this choice
Things WILL externally show up to support you and guide you forward

The phrase "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear
Has been wildly true for me in my journey

So much so
Once I was feeling called to learn from indigenous Manyan healers
And I was like I feel I am to meet a
Mayan healer
The next day a Mayan healer walks up to me, he knew we were supposed to meet
He could see the work I would one day do with people
He could see it far before I could
He was a divine mirror for me, in the form of a teacher
I felt the truth in his words while aspects of my mind rejected it
As it was not how I thought or thought I would ever identify myself
But even when it went against all of the programs, I listened for I felt the truth

And I could not do anything else. I knew I had to go deep within
I fully chose my soul
And I surrendered the things that were not aligned to that
Even if they were so beautiful and fun
I chose and continue to choose what is the deepest and most aligned

And in doing so, I am continually growing, evolving and expanding into realities
I could not have previously imagined, fully
For the constructs to imagine them were not yet there
And I also know there is much I can not yet see
Even as an oracle and someone who sees far more than this physical reality
It is a continual evolution for all of us

I say this, to remind you, that when you make your choice
You don't have to know exactly what it will look like down to every detail
And you can in fact surrender to a greater divine orchestration
Leading you every step of the way

To live this way takes great trust
And it may take some time, shedding, healing and growth to align in this way
And that is all a part of it

Now more than ever, it IS TIME. For those who are ready to truly shine their light
IT is time to surrender and step forward

You know it is true

You know there is a better way
As we elevate our consciousness
We elevate our reality and those collective pathways become very clear

We must bring this through now
Each individual, however, must choose it

Then say YES to the things showing up to support you in that choice
That may be a teacher, healer, friend, adventure
Even if it is scary, but you know it will support you, just say yes
That fear often means you are growing and evolving

Right now the world needs you
It does. Look around. Earth is calling to you
Can you hear it? You are here for a deeply beautiful reason. Just listen....

To be the most effective for the world it truly requires going in to "upgrade the operating system"
If you will Otherwise, history repeats itself. And it is time for new history to be made

And when you choose and your operating system upgrades
You will see. And you will be grateful that you did
And you will understand on a very deep level how much it matters for the greater all
It is so profoundly beautiful
The ripple affect you alone can have is far more than you know

You are powerful
Your choice is powerful
I love you
I see you

Welcome forward
Time is now
The choice is now

Yes, right now

Written by:
Elizabeth Loch

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

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