
Bird Songs of the Scottish Highlands and Islands

John Neville

    Introduction January Through April Dipper Golden Plover Flock Oystercatcher Twite Grey Heron Mistle Thrush Song Thrush Peregrine Courtship Fieldfare Redwing Great Spotted Woodpecker Fox, Vixen and Cubs Buildings, Parks and Gardens, May and June House Sparrow House Martin Swift Dunnock Rock Dove Collared Dove Blue Tit Great Tit Coal Tit Chaffinch Robin Blackbird Willow Warbler Rook Farmland Greenfinch Yellowhammer Corncrake Pheaswant Starling Pied Wagtail Barn Owl Swallow Jackdaw Hooded Crow Chough Raven Woodpigeon Woodland Grey Heronry Tawny Owlet Cuckoo Redstart Goldfinch Treecreeper