Pearl C. - Black & beautiful Eminem Stan

Deadbeat dad
Deadbeat dad
Deadbeat dad
Deadbeat dad
Deadbeat dad
Deadbeat dad
Deadbeat dad
Deadbeat dad

Scott, you' giving bitch - vibes
Marshall' a masculine Rap God

Marshall' a masculine Rap God
Deadbeat dad

Scott, you' giving bitch - vibes
(Ha, ha, ha)
Marshall' a masculine Rap God

Marshall' a masculine Rap God
(Nothing your can tell me)
Marshall' a masculine Rap God
(Nothing your can tell me)

I'm cooking this Rap Ape
(Marshall' a masculine Rap God )
But I immediately gotta spit him out of my mouth
Because he is nasty as fuck

Next time you speak about somebody's stans
Please assure, that me, PEARL C. | The Professor
Is not part of the stans
So that you on your short legs can continue to stand
I don't like your attitude
I don't like your stands

Deadbeat dad
What part of
I'm not trying to be controversial
Did you not understand

Raymond Scott, you giving bitch - vibes
Marshall' a masculine Rap God
I'm about to give Latto a feature on this Benzino Diss
On God
No neck plus not smart
Just a Ray Dog
Not even a Snoop Dogg

Dog, you probably like it doggy style
Who's standing behind you
But he who penetrating you
You want a trial
You got a daughter and you' fired from "Love & Hip Hop"

I love Hip Hop
Where's your love for it
Oh, shut up

The Koi
Where she got her neck from

Start none, won't be none

I love Hip Hop
Hip Hop is fun

You like he calling you a hun
Strange shit
Even stranger how you spit
Using the goats name as clickbate and insulting his click
Don't you know we don't click like any of your average chick

That's why I'm here
I haven't ate
I am picky
You a mother fucker but no bate
I don't like being hungry

You have your own fam and race hungry and angry
You Kippel - Feil - racist plus obsessed fanatic
Weak to stan the man
He' deserving of all respect
I respect
There you go, step back

Leray, hey, go pay your dad
He worked hard to make you

Now you hate for bate
What color got to do with it
Time great Turner to ask you
Whats Love Got to Do with It

Whats love got to do, got to do with it

We' turning tables
We turn over your dumbshit very quick
Turntablism is the art of manipulating sounds and creating new music, sound effects, mixes and other creative sounds and beats
Typically by using two or more turntables and a cross fader-equipped DJ mixer

We an educated generation
We don't like your shit
You' unequipped

No wonder I dont know you
I change that not

But I changed you, situation
We have all advantage and power over you
You never previously had an advantage or any power over us

Leray, hey, go pay your dad
He worked hard to make you

Ape, keep fine Shady's name out of your mouth plus don't talk about me, stan
You fit too perfectly in a can

Yes, you are horrible and terrible, R. S.
Art is colorful but got nothing to do with our skin color, Ars
Our gifts are godgiven
Got nothing to do with our skin color, Ars
And for a black man to speak about black People like you do, you' to retire, Ars, is serious ignorance but racism

I am a black woman and an Eminem - Stan
Face me, you overzealous and obsessive fan of Eminem, Eminem

What's up, Ha Ha


Eminem, The celebrity
(You sexy Rap God, you)
Eminem, The celebrity
Eminem, The celebrity

Benzino, The Ape speaking ill against black People during Black History Month
And for a black man to speak about black People like you do -you are to retire, Ars- is serious ignorance but racism

I am a black woman and an Eminem - Stan
Face me, you overzealous and obsessive fan of
Eminem, The celebrity

(You sexy Rap God, you)
(You' sexy)

Benzino, The Ape speaking ill against black People during Black History Month, should make us peel off your color immediately

Benzino, The Ape, you annoying as fuck
Em, Eminem been won
He never has to prove himself to you, neckless, obsessed, fanatic stone age man

Here I go
I wanna be more dramatic

When I think of Benzino
He makes me throw up
Not gag in awe about something so amazing
That's why I am not loss over words but show up

Thunder and quake for Benzino, The Ape
May he turn pale in rage and jealousy because we' blazing, gazing, praising and embracing Eminem, The Rap God

Scott, the inapt Rap Ape
Eminem is in a realm you are forbidden and will never accomplish
You got none of any ingredients to have any power over this superhuman

Thunder and quake for Benzino, The Ape
May he turn pale in rage and jealousy because we blazing, gazing, praising and embracing Eminem, The Rap God

He battle rapped
He battle raps
We must battle rap to get it

No handouts was ever given to me
And that made me great
Perfected my craft and skills
I operate out of every gift needed at the time

I am The Lioness but our idol show up, will make us nervous as fuck
Being rare good is not showing up only because you, Ape, has too much time because never invited even

Being rare good is not showing up only because you, Ape, has too much time because never invited even to, I quote, "[...]
These smack events, where your ass was at? (Ohhhh) [...]", quote end

You was not invited

Eminem' real life is what some experienced too
That's why he is respected (You sexy Rap God, you) and welcomed in the room full of hood niggas back to back, and it's everytime action packed (Yea)
(You sexy Rap God, you)
Yeah, I quoted you
Quote end

When them and M. grab the mic and tell their story your jealous of
Like with bicycles
We don't forget the skills
Only stagnant losers hate what gives others chills
I didn't always win but now I am praised for my outstanding character
(Me sexy Rap Goddess, me)
and wisdom

Real Life
Not perfect but perfected
Only God and Rap Gods can judge us
I am The Rap Goddess because (Me sexy Rap Goddess, me)
I know God
He does not approve your message

You' a Rap Ape
You' a Rap Ape

Your who deserted and betrayed your own group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unity and organisation

Yes, you have deserted and betrayed your own Family

Best be quiet, talking about any fam
And please, I do not see you as my fam

Show me your fingernails
Please, I do not see you as fam

Show me your fingernails
Gradually grow faint and disappear

Box no Eminem - Stans
I am a 3. DAN in training
TaeKwonDo - Martial Artist
Registered with the World TaeKwonDo - gang
Never ever again disrespect any woman, you Rap Ape
Since we are included in you saying stans

You got no future

You got no future
You' with the wrong Bandz

You got no future
You' with the wrong Bandz
After my daring dance I lift up the greatest name
Judgement on you just did land
What you got made, deadbeat dad
Your daughter made it, not you
Yeah, best to bow to my authority too
You admitted, you' pissing, not dissing
But not in our lyrics
We respect our craft
You cannot come close enough to touch our art with your riff raff

Me too
I don't be running around and dissing this and that
Full of wisdom is my staff
I don't eat from just any plate
Thank you, Ape
I already ate
About you we only laugh

I am a Professor
I am in charge to dissertate
That's my diss

You sound like the Pharasees
Steady tried Jesus
And He did not go back to prove Himself to this and that but focused on fulfilling The Will of God for this and that

Think what you want because you're thinking too unintelligent
Because why have you never asked questions
Now your life is full of wrong statements

M. picked on you because the low hanging fruit let's get this clear

We' Hip Hop
We criticise, we do not diss
But you would not know that because as you admitted
You only piss

Them giraffe bars was hard and smart as fuck
He' not underestimating me
You literally the antonym of a giraffe

Them characterized by long
You by zero but struck with Kippel - Feil Syndrome
Eminem diagnosed you correctly
Prof., me, thinks, he must be a Doc.

Plain Eminem is raw as fuck
You just hating because you, no woman wanna fuck
Because she thinks that down there is short and none existing also

I'm The Illuminati
Here we got light
Our mind's illuminated
That's why we see right through you
And you are dull and we so vibrant and shine so very
Oh, so very, very bright

Doberman Dangerous

They say not we to you
Benzino, you fucked up
Your Miranda warning
Advising you of your right to silence and, in effect, protection from self-incrimination
Anything you said, notice
I am using against you in my diss, not piss
You cannot afford the ghostwriters you will need to defeat this

You did not yet solve any riddle

You made me call The Almighty God on you
I love my Doberman too much
You are it not worth to sent him after you

You're outside because you got no mansion
No life
Nor no peace

Me too
I am very social
I live in solitary 
Set apart
Not avoiding other people but don't want to have no parts of caliber you and vice versa, you be being a part
GODdess goodness cannot be shared with a person like you
Nobody vouching for you

Neck short
You got beaten down
You cannot account for no new clowning
How about your mind will be finally off of my Rap God

Don't disturb him when he, his hands are squeezed around my neck
(Be finally off of my Rap God)
This feels so good

Don't you disturb that Rap God, when his hands are squeezed around my neck
That feels so good

Get the fuck out of here
You' disturbing what we got going on

Yo, Benzino is mad because he recognises
He will never be allowed to play with my clit-tles
Flavour sweet as fuck

Eminem's candy of course I prefer
M. got that masculine energy
I'm the bitch that likes it doggy style
Doberman Dangerous

Benzino though likes it from behind doggy style too
What's wrong with him
Is he a female too
Well, I'm bonafide

Eminem's my Melanin
He plays an important biological role
Providing me protection against damage from this world's sun

I thank God, who is brighter than the sun, for Eminem, my Valium
He turns me up and calms me down
But you weird ass clown would know none of this positivity

You' a black racist
Hating, talking down on blacks
You lowclass Ape

Our Eminem would never

Benzino stuck in time
Jim Crow laws are state and local laws
(Deadbeat dad, deadbeat dad)

Introduced in the Southern United States in the late
(Scott, you' giving bitch - vibes,
Marshall' a masculine Rap God)
19th and early 20th centuries that enforced racial segregation

Watch your mouth, Raymond Scott
(Marshall' a masculine Rap God, Marshall' a masculine Rap God)
I herewith put you under Law and God
(Marshall' a masculine Rap God)

"Jim Crow" being a pejorative term for an African American expressing disapproval

Watch your mouth, Raymond Scott
I herewith put you under Law and God
Because I heard your disapproval

God approves of Eminem
We approve of Eminem
We love us some Eminem

I put you under Law and God
We' not in 1965
God and Law is still the force in force I inspect and order to reinforce

I know a custy when I see one
How many times you been a man's customer
You the cracker on crack whose rap shows
Raymond Scott is a hater that hates he is black
And then goes to insult our beautiful skin color
As if that makes him white chocolate, culture

Hip Hop is everybody's culture
You jealous vulture

You hate you can never be no Eminem
He the one who has knowledge and uses his words with restraint

His tongue spits with control

He has understanding
He is even-tempered

His tongue spits with control
You fool not provoking no Marshall's cool
(You fool not provoking no Marshall's cool)

Marshall, you badass as fuck
Wanna fuck

Even fools are thought wise, if they keep silent
Scott, The vulture, you should've kept quiet but you got no tongue control

Culture, he who got no tongue control got no dick control

Ben is zero, even a vulture got a neck
Em, Eminem's tongue control is amazing
Benzino is only a lil hoe

I am dancing and singing

50 knows, no amount of cents he can give me to live in pretence
Joy to the world
Here me yo, here me, yo

You look at Eminem you can just tell he likes it rough
I bet you, his baby mom could not get enough
I'm not jealous
Imagine then him slow and gentle with my stuff
OMG, I wouldn't get enough
I will holler so loud, they will free Young Thug
So good because then I can tell him about this dumb big mouth

But remember, we the ones with the tongue - and dick control

Again I say, where did The Koi get her neck from
Did you really make her because you couldn't control your dick

Correction from me Prof.

Your daughter is daily living the life you never had and never will have

Your Honor, Scott' a gaslighter, a drug trafficker and smuggler, he confessed
Free Young Thug, so you have room for him
Provide him there with food and clothe
But he will perish
He got no Mariah | The Scientist

Music industry, let me, PEARL C. | The Professor, inform you
It is niggs like Raymond Scott with a 1712 slaves mentality, that want to keep us divided by color from Eminem

Marshall is no color, he is Eminem

Oh, we got no time to petty the jealous, reminiscing Ape

We' pretty, not Petty

Told your, he outside because he got no pretty home with something foreign to ride in

Heavenly Father, The Truth is not hate
Thank you, that you found us and gave us all the comfort, and more than this
Thank you, Daddy God, for the blow up
Because you love us

Shit, Benzino' jealous, miserable and lonely as fuck

Eminem' so excellent
He can never be propagated 
No one can ever make an identical copy of him
God will never allow no biochemistry to exist that would replicate a fragment of Eminem's DNA placed in an organism,
So that there is sufficient to analyse and use in his protein protection

And nobody wanna clone you, Scott,
Kippel and Feil are done explaining your syndrome
Ha, ha, ha
Mother Minaj
They must not need even Scott as a guinea pig

You look weird, Benzino
Dr. Miami, can you put a neck on him
Maybe then he has the confidence to approach a woman again

He' so insecure and poor
As soon as he could, he would flaunt it everywhere
We who got must not daily prove and show what we got
That's a difference between a poor and a rich mind
Not even The mere-exposure effects' psychological phenomenon can make this ape appear to be looking better than an orangutan
That's what type of moran he is in his octagon

Please, he no oxymoron, literature's figure of speech
He contradicts to hope to be on our terms

Leray, is you proud you derived out of his sperms

I guess to understand Eminem's pen you need to know how to read
But you understand every word Marshall puts on a beat
I nullify also this false rhetoric designed for exploitation
To have a chance to end the track with an impressive effect

But we regarded it disregard
Lacking truth
Therefore sincerity and meaningful content

Joyner, em, M. clearly said, it is repulsive
M. clearly said, it is repulsive
I feel the same distaste and disgust
Now knowing who is Benzino

Gonna play some Eminem
So in me arouses excitement again

I am excited, he will book no B & B
I like that for me
His tongue control will make me squirt even harder

Scott, yes, you officially done

Written by:
Prof. Dr. phil. a. h. Serena Pearl Clara Heer Hall Milledge

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

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Pearl C.

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