Ian Thornley - Secrets

Oooooh-oohhhhh, ooooooh-ooooooh.|Empty flaps and elephants are crowding up your room.|I bet you never thought that you'd be seeing this so soon.||You know you'd best stop thinking that you've got one last thing to do.|But I know the secret lies with you.|Yeah I know my secrets lies with you.|I've cordoned off the area somewhere in my mind.|So on the surface everything appears just fine.|Still you end up feeling like you're running out of time.||I know what secret lies can do.|Yeah, I know my secret dies with you.|Up until the point, there's no more lies.|You can't help but feel, that you're so alive.|And unless you've been there, you never know.|Who else would know but me?|There's one last bit of dialogue just before we're through.||Don't forget the promise made between me and you.|Now go get busy doing what you said you'd never do.||'Cause I know the secret lies with you.|Yeah I know the secret lies with you.|Oooooh, I know the secret dies with you.|Ooooooh, I know the secret dies with you.|Oooooh-ohhhhh-ohhhhh-oohhh.

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Ian Thornley

Ian Thornley

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Secrets Secrets