Inspiration - We will Rise

Open your eyes, Open your eyes, we will rise
We will rise, open your eyes
Lalla, Lallala, Lalla, Lallla

To many school shootings
To many bar fights full drunkards who wanna get away from the life
Over crowded hospitals, low supply, no medical attention
And yeah they get mentioned
They always show the poor in countries
But never show their hardworking doctors that work in them
24/7, breaking their backs, not worrying about if they get a check
So they have my respect
America only care about helping ourselves
What are you talking about? America does help
Give them a week of supply and they will be good for the rest of the year
They say donate to charity , record the tears
But where does that money really go, back into something useless
Like building cars, don't we have enough already?
Wealthy doesn't mean happy
God said "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life
What you will eat or drink; or about your body
What you will wear. Is not life more than food
And the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air
They do not sow or reap or store away in barns
And yet your heavenly Father feeds them
Are you not much more valuable than they?
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life
All the greed will leave you empty, stop building unnessecriy things for prosperity
Wonder why society still falling, building idols that don't matter
Enjoying the good life, winning plaques, eating platters, spending racks
While guns shatter in places that are in the back of our mind
Immigrants are found dead outside border lines
Let's build a wall trap them inside
Where they barely have a chance to survive
While the real terrorist roam freely
And shoot up schools and burn buildings and sell pornography online
But we can't mention that or the fact
That kids at the age of 12 have to carry a strap
3 year old's are roaming around, blisters on their feet, eating bugs and Rats
I guess it's not terror if its not personally effecting us
Yeah we'll feel bad for a second, then forgot right after that
The hard truth, this world is never gonna get better
Especially when people in office support the killing of babies and glorifying sin
Shout out to Joe and I guess Kamala
For being the first black Vic. P in history like that matters
The race card is effective, change matters, Where is that at
Christian Lives Matter let's start that. All about equally right
Never mind I'd rather die then be equal with the world
Just do what you gotta do, I'll be in my mansion soon
People thought Trump is bad just because others do hashtag followers
People hate an outspoken mind, and those who think for themselves
Not saying he was perfect but i can say he tried to help
Not a politician but I know were supposed to serve and protect
Not only the militaries job but ours
About the lives lives we lost. Did people die for no reason
What do they gain if we lose our freedom?
Some day, we will rise above greed
We'll help each other succeed on repeat
We're the outcast, people don't want us to be
You're more then a vaccine, even though I don't agree
We have power J and G, we will rise
We will fight for freedom that this county was founded on which was Jesus
He created us and man created the U.S. for a greater purpose then violence
A nation divided will never stand
But like Moses we can raise up our hands on the hilltop
His foundation was a rock
Aaron and Hur were on his sides when Moses arms were gonna Drop
We need to be like them, getting the victory and giving it back to our father
Crazy if you raid the white house and seen and heard
But God always moves peacefully
But when his Spirt touches strongholds are broken
No excersesim but Deliverance, No conspiracy but Biblical!
Love Opens Varies Entrances
Evil Vacates in Losers, We will rise, we have nothing to lose but our flesh
What was old is made new, burnt to fresh
What other God forgave sins and rose the dead?
Jesus wasn't built but was Raised different
Raised different, In him, his children cry for the day
When we will rise to be in the kingdom with him

Written by:
Adrianna Horne

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

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