Lucky Ladybug and Margo Joy - Drama Drama

Drama Drama Drama Drama
Let out your emotions
Drama Drama Drama Drama
Act out how you feel
Connect to your energy
Connect To your mood
Act out who you want to be
Let go and be free
Be who you want to be
be who you want to be
Drama drama drama
Let out your emotions
You can be an actor
You can be an actress
You can be a dancer
You can be a singer
Drama Drama Drama Drama
Just express yourself
Find the artistic passion in you
You have talent
You have what it takes
To reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Drama Drama Drama
Oh drama drama drama
Act out who you want to be
Be free to express your emotions
Sing your heart out
Dance like you've never danced before Dance like you've never danced before
Be everything you want to be and More

Written by:
Margo Joy

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

Lyrics powered by Lyric Find

Lucky Ladybug and Margo Joy

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