Mercedes Beato Aka Queen of Diamonds - Affirmations to Make One Manifest

Your thoughts determine your reality
So what you think is key
Practice these affirmations daily
And you will see your life transform, before your eyes

You always win
Because you always learn
I always win, because I always learn
I allow abundance
I program myself to my benefit
No person or media can program me
Because I am intelligent

I submit to harmony
I find myself relaxing more and more
I let the weight go
As I climb higher
I aspire even higher
Like an upward spiral
I am now living in my higher self
I unfold all possibilities
I engage in powerful action
I am independent
I have self discipline
When I experience pain
I know how to collect herbs
To draw them out
To draw the pain out

Nature is my pharmacist
Essential oils are my best friends
And saviors
I am courageous
I confront that which most people
Are too afraid to look in the eye
I speak up for myself, as needed
My future looks very bright
People like to buy from me
I know my destiny
I have studied my good and bad tendencies
I turn my vices, into virtues
I manifest the power of destiny
For which I was created

The light is energy
The light is consciousness
I am the light
I am the manifestation of wisdom
I am the Diamond Mind
There is no one like me
I am special

Everyone is talented
We were all born to do something special
I have discovered my gifts
I manifest great work
I am success
I am grateful for my life
I preserve my life
I am healthy
I face fear square in the face
And it disappears
I am strong
I am a good teacher
I see with spiritual eyes
I hang with positive people
My friends and I respect each other

All is change
I love the clear blue skies
And the sunny days
I always make the best of unforeseen events
It does rain at times
So I always have a raincoat, nearby
I use my time wisely
I am always engaged in doing something important
I know when to wait, and when to keep going
I listen to my instincts
I am flexible, so I change with the times as needed
The most successful people, adopt to change

I reinvent myself
I have a plan B
I understand the Law of cause & Effect
I invent the latest toy
I am comfortable with technology
I invent technology
I invent the future
I live in the present
I address the here and now
And I am very happy

I face challenges head on
An Ostrich behavior is for the birds
No pun intended
I am a problem solver
That is why companies hire me
To solve their problems
I am at peace
If I feel stress coming
I light an aromatherapy candle
I bathe in essential oils, and natural salts
I go into my sanctuary
Put on soft music
Music that sounds like water, and rain
And soft piano!
I say positive affirmations
And all is good

I am a smart person
I invest my money, to make it work for me
I do not work for money
I make money work for me
I give away clothes, that no longer fit me
We sometimes fool ourselves
Into thinking we will reach size zero
30 years after having children
Hoarding clothes takes up too much space
So let them go
Uncluttered spaces create harmony
It is also, mentally healthy
A lot healthier
Less is more

Today I paint a beautiful picture
Painting brings peace
I create blue flowers, with gold stems
It is all beautiful
I create the world the way I like it
I keep my Solar Plexus area clean
For that, is the generator of energy
It is the engine of the body
I flush my system, regularly

Life is more important to me than being a slave
My health is more important
Than working for brute, cruel people
We have a small time to make an impact
Make it work for you
Will your impact be servitude or slavery
Or a creator of destinies
Best to be of service and profit
Than to be a slave and be used
I serve because I chose to help myself
When I serve, it comes back to me 20 fold

We have enough resources
To feed the entire world
I am a trailblazer, a life lover
I am wealthy
I live on my own terms
A smile stays on my face
I manifest instantly
I live with excitement
And use all my talents
I create works of art that are infectuous
People sense my aura to be attractive
The world loves my philosophy
I get referrals all the time
More than I need
I am now teaching others how to have
Multiple streams of income
Children love me
The world is a better place because I exist
I bring peace to myself

All is good - in the world - I create
I always always all ways, create my world
When i want to sing - I simply sing
I sing along
If I want to sing in a group
I put together a group
One can do the job of many
Or one can leverage, and delegate
To create more efficiently

I am a Brand
People love to imitate me
I used to get upset when people copied me
I didn't realize -imitation is a form of flattery
I can now lead people into their true selves
People want my advice
I have learned many lessons, in this life
A simple act of kindness
Can be looked upon as a miracle
Life teaches me to be kind, but not a fool
To be a doormat, is to be disrespected
I love myself too much, to be disrespected
I now know when to ay yes, and when to say no
Sometimes fear will make us say yes
When we mean no
That is no longer my problem
Fear is senseless
Throw away fear
Be fearless
And conquer life
But do not trample over people
Because Karma will come at you, like a boomerang
If you are going to conquer anything
Conquer your fears
You attain freedom by conquering your fears

Prosperity is my divine right
Free energy is the way of the universe
Life is a circle
Life operates in circles
What you put out
You get back in return
Circular motions and spirals
Are the way of life
The way of the world

I can study any subject and be good at it
Including math and physics, and higher sciences
I teach people to make money
It is more blessed to teach people to make money
Than to give it away
It is more blessed to teach people to make money
Than to give it away
I am a member of the inner circle
I am the archetype for cooperative economics
Like Rubic's cube, I solve puzzles
I dazzle, the universe with my Cosmic Dust
And if that's not enough
I say a prayer, which helps attract
Positive light

My life is neither short nor long'
It just is
Life is eternal
And I always find something interesting to do
The contract is not over yet
There is no such thing as escaping
You pick up where you left off
Like Groundhog Day
The Wheel of Karma continues turning forever
Until you get the lesson right
And then you move on, to the next lesson
People who get bored lack creativity
Bored people
Simply do not get the concept of creativity

I create something out of nothing
The no thing is the idea
Out of ideas, I create many tangible items
I am a natural form of nature
I have a nurturing nature
I support life. I am pro life
I save forests, trees, and I recycle
I repeat the endless cycle of recycling
The way of the world is to recycle
I make the best use of the flow of energy
My inner being understands the laws of physics
That which i don't want, I do not focus on

Television molds children and adults
I watch peaceful documentaries
I watch shows about physics
And I learn without violence
Undesirable images do nothing
To advance your soul
In fact, just the opposite
These images become part f your soul
My first and last image
Upon waking up and going to bed
Are positive images - and positive thoughts
Therefore, I spend time
On positive social networks
I decide which networks I will join
And how many images I will look at
If at all

I care about the young
I care about the helpless
I care about the elderly
I now know how to respond like a her
I now know, how to protect the helpless
I volunteer at activities that I love
I learn from volunteering
I bring skills to volunteering events
I do not need the accolades, or the money
But I volunteer anyway
Because it is the right thing to do
I am a positive force in my community
People emulate me
People love me
The universe responds by bringing me
Even more abundance

I attract good like a magnet
I inspire people to do good things that I do
I stay happy
I am the epitome of abundant thinking
I am the epitome of unlimited resources
My creative mind - create unlimited works
I am the keeper of the Treasure Cove
I have always utilized the earth's
Unlimited resources
I made vases out of mud
I make chains out of mud
In the form of pendanys
I make incense out of clay
I create something out of dirt
I create something out of nothing
No thing. Just a thought
I create homes out of clay
Roofs out of hay
Brick houses out of clay
I am the great creatrix
I make something out of nothing

Before we come into the world
We make an agreement
To experience situations
Therefore, there is nothing to fear
I am at the perfect place
For the lesson I need to learn
At the right time
I am at the perfect place
For the lesson I AGREED to learn
There is no coincidence

When I go within, I find all the answers
Anything I want to know
I just ask my higher self
We are all connected to the Divine Spark
The all powerful Container of energy
Therefore, the answer is always near
We are part of that Divine Source
Plugged in - like an outlet
Like an extension chord
I know that my soul is immortal
I love myself
I take care of myself
I hug myself - and nurture my body
I do what it takes to become healthy
I seek balance
I drink sufficient water
Because I am made predominantly of water
I drink water free of chemicals - such as chlorine
I drink water free of heavy metals such as fluoride
My body responds with vibrant health
Because i nurture it
I expose my body to the sun
Knowing that it has invisible nutrients
I run my errands when the sun is out

I take advantage of Prana in the air
I breathe in Chi
And then exhale slowly
And it feels good
Prana replenishes - my body
With life
Most people don't know this
So they don't use it
They go about their daily life
Wasting this energy
Just as some people throw away
The best part of fruits
Including the leaves
I know how to quiet my mind

The universe is easy to decipher
Plants have signatures
Just as we have fingerprints
Fruits and plants are color coded
For their beneficial purposes
And they also have certain shapes
That correspond to their bodily organ
That they will fix
Languages are also coded
To have meanings that correspond
To similar roots

I wear protective gear
I carry my charms
I carry gems
I carry talisman - when I leave the house
I am a good steward of the earth
I recycle. I protect the earth
I look out for the helpless children
And seniors
I am a mentor for the good of society
Good things happen to me
Good things happen to me
Because I treat people well
I take vitamins
I take natural supplements
And my body loves it

My life works perfectly
I have a rewarding career
If a job seems boring - or redundant
I learn the best lesson from it
I take the skills that I learned
In a specific job
In every job
No matter how menial the job is
I take that to the next career
And I move on
With those skills - I learn
I see impossible bosses
And impossible jobs, as stepping stones
As lessons - for the next career move
I give my power to positive vibes
And situations
I release people from the prison
Of unforegiveness
I preserve my energy
I neutralize negative energy
I release healing energy in the direction
Of the lost and the cruel

I live in an unlimited universe
Therefore, I receive unlimited blessings
The world is full of abundance
Trees have many fruits
Animals have multiple babies
There are multiple stars that cannot be counted
The way of the world is abundance
The universe creates in abundance
I have multiple sources of income
Life supports me because I support life

It is all good
This to me means that it actually is good
At least, we should make the best of things
But even when something is extreme;y negative
It is all good because
We learn a good lesson from it
What appears to be traumatic drama
Can be used as a steeping stone
On how to handle it next time
In other words, you learn what you like
Or what you don't like
And how to respond for the next time

Life is an ever learning circle
Each person is different
And thus you have a myriad of opportunities
To interact with various individuals
Like the perfect storm
It is the perfect lesson
Bad experiences are also an opportunity
To show your higher character
We are free to make good and bad choices
Chose that which serves you best
Learn at your own pace
I have learned to chose lessons
With the least drama
Because although drama is a teacher
It is not the most pleasant teacher
For some people it only takes a feather
To get the point
For others a baseball bat
And for some. a macheti

I am surrounded by a supportive universe
There are many souls that are willing
To assist me, because I have tuned in
And I am forever thankful
The universe loves thankful people
I am a divine being
When I transform
I will also assist other souls
In their transformation
I receive assistance
In my transformation
There is peace in the world
When we make peace

Written by:
Mercedes Beato

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

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Mercedes Beato Aka Queen of Diamonds

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