D.I.D.A.C.T.I.C. - Glory to God (Shepherd's Word)

Listen up
We're living like outcasts and I'm tired of it, shepherds
They have made us just a little higher than the lepers
This job's stressful, it's just another day, another shekel
Tending these lambs intended for sacrifice in the Temple
We make sure they're not hurt, damaged, or blemished
But with no dirt in the herd, they're still destined to perish
I don't believe my life's in the hooves of these worthless sheep
That need to be kept safe from beasts of prey like wolves and thieves
That's as foolish as Daniel's friends unhurt by furnace heat
It's about time that this blind faith and silly worship ceased
We abide each night in groups like Israelites in booths
All for some old stories meant for moralizing youth
Made up stories to have us work these hours on this job
Like a Messiah announced at the Tower of the Flock
Those stories are all passed down lies that got past the scribes
If God spoke through the prophets, why won't He chat now, guys
If God really loves me, why's my life in this mess
They say He's powerful and good, but might I suggest
If that is true, then why does He let us suffer and die
And why's the land full of lovers and mothers who cry
They say God judged Egypt and delivered these people
But He won't deliver us, it's time for an upheaval
(Bang) Oh, God! What was that? Look, there's a bright man standing
He's saying something... now there's countless more chanting

Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased

We came from the fields, we just witnessed a miracle
Began as any other night, boring and typical
Til the dark of night suddenly became bright as day
Blinded, we turned our eyes away, turned back and our fright was great
Cause we saw an angel knowing that we're buried to our necks in sin
It felt like we were facing our day of reckoning
But he turned our fears to hope, said that he was here to show
The One promised by seers who wrote hundreds of years ago
Said, Don't be scared, then declared this good news that we share
Great joy to all! So there's no more need to despair
And he said, This is the sign to you, you'll find a newborn babe
Lying in a manger, with binding, too
Now we see that what he said wasn't a lie, it's true
And after he spoke, there came into sight an innumerable
Multitude of angels in the light-filled sky
Praising God for this lil' guy prophecies will be fulfilled by
And for peace on earth as they faded away
Over 500 years, we've had to patiently wait
So thanks be to God that the silence is shattered
We will be liberated! That is why this kid matters
We now must hurry and leave back to our herd of sheep
Please tell the sirs and ladies of what we've heard and seen
The reason we hurried here, huffing, puffing, and panting
An angel appeared to us, the Host of Heaven was chanting

Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased

Good morning!
Something has happened that is out of the norm in the fields
Something that we shepherds are still absorbing
An angel burst forth with no warning, this message, reporting
Born to you today in the city of David, your Lord is
I know it seems absurd, but we can't deny what we've observed
This baby that we searched even had a sign so we'd confirm
So we rushed into town, all dirty and smelling
Our witness in court is not worthy of telling
But we've witnessed the Lord, in this world, He is dwelling
He's the One to be King whom God's words are foretelling
We caught a glimpse of the Most High.. in a low place
Around darkness and dirt, 'cause the guest room had no space
We may not be allowed at the Temple and synagogues
But as they seek Him in those places, we stood with our God
Born of a virgin is your King, so we are urging
You to trust the One sent to comfort all who are hurting
Please don't resist this message, He's come to fix the wreckage
Tell the rich, the peasants and please don't miss the zealots
Yes, He's come with vengeance, yet with the humblest entrance
His Kingdom is endless, He's a humongous present
And it all began as our sheep grazed and now we praise
And before you think that we are behaving like we're crazed
He's still lying in the manger, just like when we went in
As the angel said before the Heavenly Army was chanting

Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth, peace
With whom He is pleased

Written by:
Michal Waliczek

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

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