TheKingsDragon - Reincarnation

The following pages
Consist of a story back in the dark ages
Of a great creature who shall remain nameless
Always was tameless
Terrible greatness
The havoc was ageless
For warfare the monster was gracious
So gracefully
Roaming the skies and land
Nothing existed known to man
That could even withstand
To this beast, when he wanted to feast
It was simple
But The King of the land
Wouldn't understand
Therefore it lead to this plan
First, let me tell you about The King
Covered and fur and jewels
From the crown to his rings
Smothered in gold and minuscule gems
Surrounding him and everything
Up in his castle
Even his scepter would dazzle
His prized possession was with him
At all of his battles
It was known he would rather
In his riches
Than consider the latter
Never a thought to reconsider
What actually matters
So now we find The King
In a drunken scene
Gathered by servants, soldiers, and his queen
The kingdom's people could be seen
Through the castle doors, relentless
Just to get more
Of a view into the mainhall
But the entrance was blocked off
By barricades, soldiers and all
Received orders from The King
To let no one enter at all
For all of The King's celebrations
This was protocol
Then amongst the crowd
A strange and erratic man
Made his way down where he found
Himself being stop by the king's guards
At the blockage
Insisted he had information
That may of been of The King's concern
To the guards this was absurd
They were highly unconcerned
Then it lead to pushing The Man away
While walking away
He quickly turned
And managed to make his way through
While almost reaching The King too
Just to come to
Being put down on his knees
By The King's guards
Talking quite a few
The beating to come soon
The King was not amused
He asked who are you
I've never seen you
And even so, you have the audacity
A joke this has to be
Suddenly, even defeated The Man speaks
Of dragon slayings, I've heard you speak
Figured you wanted to seek
The dragon with eyes as bright as the sun
For your greatest feat
While its wings
As dark as the night's sky
Truly something unseen
A blue and black pattern on its skin
Came across I did
The details trigger The King
But acts' if it never did
He orders his lieutenant
To ready the troops
For we are to follow him
To the monster
They were off to
Lead by The Man, in this journey
And it seemed like The King
Was the only one
Keeping a secret
The following events
Happened as sequenced
Upon arrival
To The Dragon's hill
The field was filled with crush skulls
And broken bones
Whether they belong to beast or human
Was unable to be known
Out of nowhere a mist arose
Filling the air
The King's scepter telepathically
Let him know he was there
The Man pointed ahead and said
That the massive cave
Was The Dragon's lair
As they got to the opening
That's when they start noticing
That the entrance was blocked
By rocks, it was slightly odd
From the bottom all the way to the top
The King ordered to load up the cannon
And let off a shot
Expecting the rocks to drop
Just to be
Frozen in shock
All of them stop
As The Dragon let off
One of the greatest roars
And what we thought were rocks
Slithered it's way out
And got a hold of one of The King's men
Pulled into the cave by The Dragon's tail
For a split second
While there was only silence
The King looked around for The Man
Who was nowhere in sight
But then abruptly turning back
To truly witness a sight
The Dragon burst thru the cave
With all its might
Chuncks of rocks and debris
Shower the army left to right
Followed by savagery
The Dragon charged at them angrily
Truly a sight to see
The Dragon devouring
The blood empowering
The army charged at the dragon
In numbers, as they yelled out
For Our King
They were loyal
Not knowing The King himself
Was shook and cowering cowardly
The Dragon Slayer ran from the encountering
Into the forest
While leaving his army
To fend for themselves
He sent them to hell
He's shaken talking to himself
Questioning his valor
The King having flashbacks, fear, and anxiety
Physiological symptoms of PTSD
Coming out of it for a second
Once coming across an old tree
That seemed to be out of place
A nanosecond later
An Owl appeared at a rapid pace
Having bright blue eyes
That gazed upon The King's face
They were lost in a daze
But nothing can brace The King
For what he was destined to face
The Owl flew down to the ground
A transformation
That would truly astound
The Owl transformed to an Old Man
With a grey bread
That nearly reached the ground
And the fabric surrounding him
Had never been seen
Not even by past kings
But what he felt the most
Out of all things
Was a mystic presence
So omnipresent
He acknowledged The King with these questions
Everything ok? Are you lost
The King replied who are you? What are you
Only for The Wizard to laugh it off
Aren't you the greatest dragon slayer of them all
And yet here you are while your army fall
Are you still feeling tall
What would your people think of you
If they saw
The King was frozen
As The Wizard
Lay truth and all
Isn't this the 2nd time you faced this beast
You were left a scar
The King in shock
How did you know my secret
I know it all and see it all
I lived millions of lifetimes before your reign
And will live millions more
After your fall
The King agitated said
Just point me in the direction to my castle
I have no time for
Lies and illusions
The Wizard with a wicked grin pointed
And to the side he moved then
After a couple steps he adds
He has the power to help
Just for him to stop and then proceed
With no hesitation
After walking for a duration
That seemed to be forever
It got colder and darker
Every time it seemed he got closer
He kept looking over his shoulders
As he noticed
A fog emerging
Followed by wicked sounds dispersing
Appearing so sudden, a pair of blue eyes
Stay hidden within the shadows
The King terrified
Draws his sword ready to battle
This Mysterious Animal
Had no shape or form
The King shaky with his sword
And sloppy with his form
And now
As he stands before
The Animal
Charged at him
Showing rows of teeth
While The King
Steady his feet
Almost prayed to the gods
To help defeat
It comes at him on all 4's
With more of a screech then a roar
And right before The Animal cannibal
Manage to get ahold of The King
Out of thin air The Wizard appeared
Throwing The King off guard
The Animal, he locked on
To a new target
Changed directions
Towards The Wizard
With a swift movement of his hands
The Wizard vanished The Animal
Throwing The King in a frantic mode
Wanting to know, where did it go
How could it be so
The Wizard answers it no longer exists
How could you defeat The Dragon
If you trembled to this
The King in desperation asks
Could the dragon itself
Be put in the same position
On one condition
The King then offers wealth, women, and land
Just for The Wizard to respond
That is nothing to me
That has no value to me
Nor does your castle or army
The King angrily ask
Well what do you want from me
Eyeing his scepter
He says, THAT
At this point
Nothing to hold The King back
With slight hesitation
Handing it over
To The Wizard
As he responds
Consider it done
That's when the real war begun
The pair walked up to The Dragon's Hill
Before reaching the cave
The Wizard tells The King to stay here
You don't wanna be near
The showdown
The King replies
I need to watch its demise
And make sure you don't defy
As if he was so dignified
Sensing their presence once again
The Dragon let itself be known
Releasing a great roar
Before coming enraged
Wanting more
This time a little cautious
And it showed
Sensing The Wizard's power
Allowing The Wizard to make the first move
He conjured up cosmic energy from nothing
Manipulated into a force that was sent
Thru a blast with his own hands
That he would shoot
At the great beast
It was unforeseen
To say the least
Hitting The Dragon in the face
Causing him to stumble
That lead to the rumble
Before the land shaked and quaked
And all from a near tumble
The ground under him
As his got his balance, and shook it off
Pissed off
The Dragon takes a huge breath
And disperses blue fire
Both never heard of
Let alone seen by both Wizard and King
Mystical warfare
What transpired
The Wizard
Quickly produced a mystic shield
With his very hands
Only for it to backfire
Lacking the power required
Only for The Dragon's flame to rip through
Burning his hands
Flesh burning
Something he's never been through
At this moment his knew
It wouldn't be killed with ease
Having never been tested before
But with light speed, teleported
The streams of fire would nearly miss
And with all the commotion
The King looked from afar
Staring motionless
Watching warfare
At it's best
But on a mystic level
The King mesmerized
Reach down off to his side
Just to remind him
That the scepter now belongs to The Wizard
For a minute his mind was occupied
Yelled at the wizard
Quit wasting time
Quick paying games with it
Make it vanish
With The King's bickering he managed
To be a distraction
To The Wizard while interacting
With The Dragon
Who was able to read his flight pattern
And then reacted
At full speed, catching The Wizard in mid flight
He would smite him down with his claws
Penetrated in his shoulder blades and all
And was pinned down
With all of the dragon's might
All while The King now on sight
No longer in fright
But eager to fight
Wanting to fulfill his birthright
So his sword is drawn and gripped tight
Anticipating the moment to be right
Seeing The Great Dragon
Salivate over The Wizard
Just moments before going in for the bite
The King having The Dragon
In his line of sight
Attempts to strike
Just for him to fail miserably
The Dragon saw it coming
With his claws slashes him viciously
And maliciously
Allowing The Wizard
To disappear from The Dragon's grip
Causing The Dragon to charge at The King
Even with The King's
Sealing his own damnation
But before reaching him
Attracted by the incantation
The Wizard started speaking
Truly an ancient secret
Decided, no use in the mortal
Moved towards The Wizard
To deliver a fatal blow
Only inches before reaching The Wizard
He disappeared through a portal
In conclusion
So there's no confusion
We find The King
Back in his castle
Gathered in a reunion
Of his people
He spoke of his contribution
To killing The Great Dragon
While showing his battle scar
But deep inside
Knowing he's wrong
Claiming to've killed the last of its kind
Knowing deep inside
Something changed in him
During that time and now
Forever living the life long lie
As the greatest dragon slayer alive
The Wizard
Could be found far away
From the kingdom
Still bringing in treasures
Basking in greed
Although still a painful reminder to see
His scorched hands
Holding onto the scepter
Still in possession
Even with no feel
Because of bad receptors
Living a lie within a lie
That he created
And wondering if it was worth it
After what the dragon demonstrated
Still knowing
What he orchestrated
He anticipated
A future confrontation
With The Dragon once more
To account for
The acts
That started the war
The Dragon
Was sent ages into the future
Through a wormhole
His body broke down into particles
Causing a fusion
Refusing to perish
Only to live on and cling on
To a new host and body
Once arriving
In the year 1988
Predestined to wield The Dragon's power
Not knowing the day or hour
Awaiting to face off with The Wizard once more
His enemy forever more

Written by:
Miguel Valencia

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

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