The Prophet Obblonge - Then And Now

Does Ira Glass still do this American life
She listens to NPR
We were both listening to it when an interview with The Temptations was playing, that day
At Pam's when we met yet again

And as I entered the building I laid a warm, wet hand upon her Bare pelvic bone, she emitting
An exciting ooh
Two days after she and Tommy Tiny Penis hooked up, he would Later fuck Pam at her then current
Boyfriend's house who was present on the couch in the living Room, in the ass I hear, while

I was locked outside with Paula by a mischievous Patty, and my Then girlfriend Prissy was at
Work as a waitress at IHOP
She suggested our little new in-law holiday group each say Something defining of themselves
As an introduction to each other

I offered a quote I had recently heard from one of The Temptations on NPR, and her eyes
Continued to sparkle, hazel reflecting blue
Later Tommy Tiny Penis attempted to earn brownie points with The girl's parents, Ken and Gloria
My next door neighbors, by taking the group out to dinner at Olive Garden, saying he knew

The head chef working
So, filing into our seats at the table, Patty launches a convincing Argument to her father
Ken, insisting that she sit in the chair that he was about to plop Down upon
Winning convincingly, she seats herself not next to Tommy, but Directly in front and across

From me, smiling conspiratorially
She is in full information gathering mode
She remembers to this day what I ordered, not the most Expensive nor the least expensive
Menu items, as someone being treated has a tendency to do, but Selections based on

The nutrient content and healthiness of the meal
Dark leafy greens, lean protein, only a bit of oil instead of heavy Calorie content dressing
Beers, multiple, selection based on how well the brew recipe Paired taste-wise with the
Food ordered

While eating, her father attempted to pass the salt in my Direction after being handed
It from Tommy, who had just immediately doused his large steak With the saline grains
I told him, apparently in my default radio announcer voice, that I Never added seasoning
To food until I had tasted it, my reasoning being that it was an Insult to the person

Who had prepared it, in this case a paid professional
Preparing a meal is an art form, and as an artist I recognize the Sweat and effort of
The cook or chef
The food is placed with purpose upon a plate, by another as a Finished product

The last stage of producing art is the presentation to the Audience
It is now up to the audience to appreciate the finished work
To apply seasoning without tasting is an insult by an uncultured, Unaware, and unappreciative

If modifications need to be applied after tasting to match an Individual's preferences
Then so be it, it's their food
Unbeknownst to me, the actual person who had prepared the Food, the actual head chef on
Duty who obviously Tommy did not know at all, was standing Directly behind me when I said

He announced his presence and I was rewarded with a Complimentary meal including the beers
Three beers most likely
He would attempt over and over that week to catch me in acts of Verbal plagiarism or

Insult me, only to always be bested by my quick and always razor Honed intellect
I had already been practicing my craft for more than a decade by That point
The coward even uttered a faggot in my direction as Prissy and I Left, under his breath, only
To have my sharp ears pick it up

So, spinning with overdramatic flair and facing the opponent as Always, I pointed out why
That isn't an insult and a deed that I could never be insulted by Him, adding a well placed
And accredited quotation by Tom Waits in French no less, much To the confusion of the attack
And to the delight of Patricia

I make memories man, I even blew Patty a kiss till we meet Again, which we would of course
To backtrack a bit, when mischievous Patty locked me outside With the youngest sister
Paula who I almost always sat next to on the school bus if I rode It, she never speaking
To me, I had immediately postulated that since we were so Rudely confined all night

To the expansive backyard that she and I had a duty to retaliate In kind and consume every
Single beer, which we did, triumphantly
Paula grew up to be a big girl and a voracious consumer of Alcohol, taking me up on the challenge
She matched me beer for beer until they were all gone, a hundred And eight each in five

Hours, that's one twelve ounce bottle of various brands every Five minutes, and at no time
As mischievous Patty observed, mischievously, did I ever hit on Paula in any way
Come morning we were in someone's car listening to her CD Collection, I inquiring about any
I didn't recognize, I put in Ten Thousand Maniacs Our Time in Eden album, informing

Her that I had all of their catalog on cassette, including the Earliest collected demos, much
To her surprise
I would continue to confound that woman over the coming Decades, upon daybreak Prissy returned
And released us from the wall back that her younger sister and I Would have escaped in

Someone's vehicle had we could in order to pursue more beer
She had to go get her daily dose of methadone from a clinic Downtown
Patty cringed as she threw the van keys as a softball pitcher Would, directly at my face
As was our custom, and I, wearing the leather jacket my Grandmother had given me on my eighteenth

Birthday a decade earlier, caught them without thinking or Flinching with a swooping downward
Arm movement
Prissy's dealers lived in the neighborhood behind the clinic
She was into heroin and cocaine, and I was into her

We went back to my house and I grabbed my guitar, always the Disposable emergency income
And a Seymour Duncan JB pickup I had purchased new, but not Installed yet
I pawned those and used the extra cash for more cocaine than the Planned amount, which
I would divide into two nice-sized lines on the bathroom Countertop for Patty and myself

Tommy, I was informed later, didn't want to share the baggie of Coke and meth mix he carried
With us or her
Ugh, how fucking uncool is that
I guess Pam got some, ew

I smile now, writing this, remembering Patty playing footsies With me under the table at
Olive Garden, and again at Christmas a year or so later under her Grandmother's kitchen
Table, with her grandmother and aunts sitting around us
I customarily wear steel-toed boots, ankle high, but that day at Grandmother's I had

Some cushy old man sandals my aunt had given me on, leaving My feet open this time to return
The playful gestures
As I tap, tap, tap this ad on my phone's screen in a friend's Apartment, it is 106 degrees
Actual temperature outside

I am the guy on the couch until my tax refund hits, and I can Return service of water and
Power back to my house
I am grateful, as always, for the continuously low number of People I call my friends
My aunt has sent me $200 for a birthday nearly a month ago, Which hopefully has hit my mailbox

And has not been stolen by my former houseguest who has my Spare keyring
A hundred to the house for their hospitality and $55 to my Hotspot
Any day now, dear IRS
I know, take your time

One week ago I created a new DeviantArt account as the Prophet Obblonge, and by the end of today
Will have deluged the Deviants with around 250 separate posts
One of which, the longest by far, has over 7,000 reads already
The serialized horror story will be getting another chapter or Five very soon by invisible

I am humbled and honored by the response
I have been commissioned by a friend to produce, edit, and Provide original music for her YouTube
Channel, which means I'll have access to cameras for mine as Well

My chosen domain name is for sale for $10.99
Three years of web hosting paid up front will cost about $500
Mayhaps soon Oblong Fucked Your Grandmother t-shirts will Be available
No keychains, I'm not Metallica

Fifty tracks of audio have been properly labeled and are ready for Upload to the Internet Archive
And or YouTube and anywhere else I can stick them
The DeviantArt link looks cool and professional on Facebook
That's cool

Writing every day in the AC
When I last spoke to my beloved Patricia about a month ago, she Said, sounding highly stressed
And possibly frightened, Michael, I can't talk
I cannot talk

And then the phone went dead
She is the sole possessor of my thoughts and attentions
Self-expression is of paramount importance to me
I will not rest until her voice is returned

To quote Tom Morello, whatever it takes
If you've made it this far, many thankings of you, reader
Your audience is not taken lightly

Written by:
Michael Mackenzie

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid

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The Prophet Obblonge

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