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End Of The Fence, Am Free - Christopher Shellhammer

War Is Poison - Christopher Shellhammer

Love, Joy & Reason - Christopher Shellhammer

What'll I Do Without You - Christopher Shellhammer

So Pretty Of You - Christopher Shellhammer

World Ended Yesterday - Christopher Shellhammer

Mask - Christopher Shellhammer

Goodbye - Christopher Shellhammer

A Story To Tell - Christopher Shellhammer

Life Of A Friend - Christopher Shellhammer

The Crying World - Christopher Shellhammer

Never Too Late For Hope - Christopher Shellhammer

Waiting For You All The While - Christopher Shellhammer

Sailing Through Life - Christopher Shellhammer

As This Day - Christopher Shellhammer

Heart Of A Home - Christopher Shellhammer

It's A Long Way Back Home - Christopher Shellhammer

You Fill Up My Heart - Christopher Shellhammer

Lifetime Of Best Friends - Christopher Shellhammer

Mine - Christopher Shellhammer

A Dying Fallen Leaf - Christopher Shellhammer

A Journey Of Thousands Of Miles - Christopher Shellhammer

Heavenly Christmas With You - Christopher Shellhammer

The First Noel - Christopher Shellhammer

A True Friend On Lonely Christmas - Christopher Shellhammer

A Christmas Away From Home - Christopher Shellhammer

Mocha's Song - Christopher Shellhammer

A Child from a Broken Village - Christopher Shellhammer

Sweet Holiday - Christopher Shellhammer

Silent Night So Sweet - Christopher Shellhammer

If I'm Not There Tomorrow - Christopher Shellhammer

Sandi's Song - Christopher Shellhammer

Hello Life - Christopher Shellhammer

The Keeper Of Love - Christopher Shellhammer

The Day That Saved My Soul - Christopher Shellhammer

Humanity - Christopher Shellhammer

Moonlight Song - Christopher Shellhammer

Memory Of Love - Christopher Shellhammer

Lost And Found - Christopher Shellhammer

God Gets Angry? - Christopher Shellhammer

Lost Years - Christopher Shellhammer

Broken Heart America - Christopher Shellhammer

Our Last Christmas Together - Christopher Shellhammer

Born Again - Christopher Shellhammer

Lost Revolution - Christopher Shellhammer

Our World Is A Beautiful Dream - Christopher Shellhammer

Heart In Teardrops - Christopher Shellhammer

Almost Heaven - Christopher Shellhammer

Adventure On My Mind - Christopher Shellhammer

You Are The Music - Christopher Shellhammer

Love In The Storm - Christopher Shellhammer

Serenity - Christopher Shellhammer

A PRICE OF LOVE - Christopher Shellhammer

Our Future - Christopher Shellhammer

Bring Me Home - Christopher Shellhammer

Love Shining On - Christopher Shellhammer